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The price for the full version of Wildfire is:

60,00 DM or 50,00 US-$

For a  PowerPlugs! registration add the same.
If you already got registered for Wildfire and want to obtain PowerPlugs!
separately you have to specify your serial-number which may be obtained
from the  Info-Window  of the program.

If you want to get the  Axis3D  Plugin then add
60,00 DM or 50,00 US-$ again.
Please read the  High End Users  section!
If you already got registered for Wildfire and want to obtain Axis3D
separately you have to specify your serial-number which may be obtained
from the  Info-Window  of the program.

Send the money in a letter to:

     Andreas Küssner
     Marrinksweg 5
     48531 Nordhorn

Please write down your full NAME, ADDRESS, the COMPUTERTYPE you use and
WHERE you got the demo-version from.

You`ll get your personal wildfire.library
(the latest Wildfire-version is NOT included)

Please do NOT make any kind of payment in a currency other than US-$
or DM !

If you want to send cheques or similar instead of cash the total price
increases by $20 or 30,00 DM because of the high bank-fees!

If you want to get the latest available Version of Wildfire please add
$10 or DM 10 for additional stamps and disks.

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                       Wildfire registration

Name:          ____________________________

Street:        ____________________________

City:          ____________________________

Country:       ____________________________

Email:         ____________________________

Do you want to get your Keyfile using uue-encoded email?    __ yes    __ no

Computertype:  Amiga _________

OS-Version:    _______________

Processor:     68___ ___ MHZ

Coprocessor:   _____ ___ MHZ

GFX-Card:      _______________

Kind of Floppy-Diskdrive:  __ DD (880 Kbytes)  __ HD (1.76 Mbytes)

Where did you got the demo version from? _______________________

Which is your current version number?    _______________________

Are you planning to get a PowerPC?       __ yes      __ no

Wildfire registration fee:

60,00 DM  ____   or   50,00 US-$ ____ included in letter.

PowerPlugs! registration fee:

60,00 DM  ____   or   50,00 US-$ ____ included in letter.

Axis3D registration fee:

60,00 DM  ____   or   50,00 US-$ ____ included in letter.

Price for the latest version:

10,00 DM  ____   or   10,00 US-$ ____ included in letter.

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